Haring Books 

Jean-Luc Moulène


‘In 1996 Jean-Luc Moulène spent a year in Berlin making a multifaceted photo portrait of the city. This book shows the continuity of Moulène's work during this year. It is the rhythm of the seasons, with its variations in daylight that they produce, that constitutes the conceptual framework of this series of images. Moulène began his days at dawn and ended them as soon as the electric lights came on. He introduces an image of the city that does not serve architectural, historical or sociological analysis, but reveals the impression of everyone who experiences the city day in and day out throughout the year.’ Friedrich Meschede
38 €
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Used, in very good condition

170 x 210 mm
276 pages
French and German

ISBN 9783882437102
Haring Books vzw - BE 0782.864.531 - haringbooks@gmail.com