Lygia Clark: Painting as an Experimental Field, 1948-1958
Geaninne Gutiérrez-Guimarães

Guggenheim Bilbao & La Fabrica

Lygia Clark (Brasilia, 1920-1988) conducted throughout her life a profound research into the relationship between artist, artwork and spectator. Her art continuously re-examined and deepened this matter. She is primarily remembered for her participation in the Neo-Concretist movement in Brazil, innovative approach to modular sculpture, pioneering participatory art and a series of ‘therapeutic propositions’ grounded in art. Clark has become a major reference for contemporary artists dealing with the limits of conventional forms of art.

This volume examines her production in the first decade of her career. In these early years she created geometrically abstract, system-based paintings that demonstrate a strong pictorial quality. Wonderful!
30 €
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Used, very good condition

280 x 210 mm
206 pages
English and Spanish
ISBN 9788417769277

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